Here's What You Can Do to Advance Literacy in DC

Dear Neighbor,

The DCSBOE has been hard at work revising social studies standards. These standards have remained unchanged since the George W. Bush administration! So much has changed since 2006, and it is imperative that DC students learn from an updated curriculum. The new draft put out by OSSE includes increased representation in experiences of people of color and LGBTQ+ identities. It also weaves DC history throughout the grade levels. The period for public comment has been extended to February 10th. Please submit your comments here.


Connecting through ANCs

Over the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to speak about public education at ANC2B, ANC2D, and ANC2E. It was great to learn from neighbors. Several Commissioners followed up to ask how volunteers may get involved to support District students’ literacy. One recommendation is to sign up to volunteer with CityTutor DC

DCSBOE in the New Year

My top priority on the Board is to advance literacy. If you haven't learned to read, you can't read to learn. With newly elected members representing Ward 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7, the DCSBOE as a whole is deciding what else to focus on this year. Please message me with your suggestions and priorities. 

I also invite you to join us on 2/15 for the next DCSBOE public meeting at 5:30 p.m. at the Old Council Chambers (441 4th St. NW). If you’re interested in testifying, please sign up to do so by 2/13.                                                                                                     

All the best,

Allister Chang 


Literacy Update, Literacy Survey, Literacy Engagement


New Year, New Literacy Advancements