DC Literacy, Education Standards, Teacher Misconduct

Dear Neighbor,

It's been over a year since I first joined the DC State Board of Education. Thank you for this opportunity! I want to update you about what I'm currently working on. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. 

DC Literacy
I've been convening a literacy steering committee with colleagues from DCPS, OSSE, DME, DCPCSB, including reading instructors, as well as a diverse range of other literacy stakeholders in DC, such as literacy-focused non-profits, foundations, public librarians, and university administrators. We've been working together the last half year to align our vision and strategy to advance literacy across DC. I'd appreciate your feedback on our latest working draft.

EmpowerEd cited my work in their requests for more systematic investments to support literacy. Educators in the EmpowerEd network have informed every aspect of my literacy work, and I'm grateful I get to partner with them to advance literacy across DC. 

Education Standards
I'm the new Chair of the Education Standards Committee on the DC State Board of Education. This committee will house part of my literacy work and will continue ongoing work with OSSE to revise our social studies standardsJoin us at our meeting this afternoon (Feb. 23) at 4:30.

Teacher Misconduct Investigations
NBC Washington's follow-up report on teacher misconduct investigations cites the letter I signed with DC Councilmember Brooke Pinto and the response we received from DC Public Schools. The systems we have put in place to protect our children have failed in this instance. We must do better.

In the Community
It was great to be with neighbors last night at the Foggy Bottom Association's meeting alongside my DCPS colleague Ms. Sharona Robinson. I'll be at Seaton Elementary on the morning of March 2nd during morning drop-off to talk with families, and look forward to seeing some of you there! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about local education.



“Severely behind in reading”


Happy Lunar New Year!